Spring 2020 Portuguese Course Descriptions

(Course information subject to change) 
(Cross-reference with Course Timetable)

Portuguese 114 Portuguese for Spanish Speakers I

Prof. Pio
See Timetable for time(s)

Course Description: 
Portuguese 114 is designed for students who are proficient in Spanish. The course begins with exposure to basic vocabulary and structures, advancing at an accelerated pace. Classroom activities will emphasize pronunciation, spoken production, as well as language structures and vocabulary. Students will participate in pair, small-group and whole-class activities that focus on the meaningful and accurate exchange of information. The class will be conducted in Portuguese.

At the end of the course, students will be able to produce language to talk about themselves, their interests and professional preferences. In addition, students should be able to perform some linguistic tasks, such as talking about everyday needs, using a limited vocabulary to describe family relations, meals, professions, likes and dislikes and other day-to-day activities. Students will be exposed to exercises to develop their written skills and should also be able to produce short texts in Portuguese.

Portuguese 120 Elementary Portuguese II

Prof. TBD
See Timetable for times

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of Portuguese 110 or equivalent.

Portuguese 120 is the second semester of the basic-level integrated skills language course. It emphasizes the development of reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities within a cultural context. Throughout the semester, students will learn about the Lusophone World and how culture affects language usage. They will also learn communication strategies. Students will participate in pair, small-groups and whole-class activities that focus on the meaningful and accurate exchange of information. The class will be conducted entirely in Portuguese.

Portuguese 134 Portuguese for Spanish Speakers II

Prof. Pio

See Timetable for time(s)

Course Description and objectives: 
Portuguese 134 is an accelerated intermediate course designed to students who have taken Portuguese for Spanish Speakers I or its equivalent. Classroom activities will emphasize the development of pronunciation and spoken production, the use of language structures and vocabulary at the advanced intermediate level. In addition, students will explore movies, music, short stories, and other media as they further develop reading, speaking and interpretive skills in Portuguese. The course will be conducted in Portuguese.

Portuguese 202 Advanced Portuguese

Prof. Flannery 
See Timetable for time(s)

Course Description: 
This course is designed for students who have already taken basic and intermediate levels of Portuguese. It complements student’s knowledge of Portuguese by emphasizing the use of advanced grammatical structures and vocabulary. Classes will focus on practicing such advanced language structures by reading a diverse range of texts, including short stories by different authors of the Lusophone countries, and two novels; speaking and writing about a variety of contemporary texts; watching movies and documentaries; and listening to news, songs and other authentic audio material. The emphasis will be on language usage and culture. This course will be conducted entirely in Portuguese. Prerequisite: PRTG134 or its equivalent.

By the end of this course students should be able to express themselves with precision and in detail about a variety of topics in Portuguese. Students will be able to describe and narrate personal experiences, participate in conversations about a variety of topics, explaining, narrating, describing and asking questions. Students’ written expression will develop to allow them to describe events handling the different tenses of Portuguese and employing complex structures and vocabulary.

Portuguese 221 Culture and Identity of the Lusophone World

Prof. Flannery 
See Timetable for time(s)

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide advanced-level students with additional exposure to Portuguese language and culture, as they broaden their knowledge of the Lusophone world and its identity. Classes will focus on discussions and students presentations based on articles, literary texts, and movies or documentaries from, and about, the different regions of the world where Portuguese is spoken. We will start with Portugal and Brazil, and end with Angola and Mozambique, and their cultural expressions. A series of important themes related to the Lusophone world, its history, the dialogues among its different countries, and contemporary challenges will be incorporated in this course as a way to familiarize students with key themes. At the end of this course, students should 1) have developed their oral and written expressions in Portuguese, at the advanced-level, and 2) be able to recognize and discuss important themes, historical figures, and cultural characteristics of the Lusophone world. This course will be conducted in Portuguese. Prerequisites: PRTG202 or instructor’s permission. 

Portuguese 240 Society and Visual Arts

Prof. Pio
See Timetable for time(s)

This course will analyze interdisciplinary themes of contemporary Brazil, Portugal, and African Portuguese-speaking countries culture through film production, music, architectural styles, and literature from the 1960s through 2016. It will cover topics such as the influence of the Cinema Novo from Brazil on African cinema, immigration in Brazil and Portugal, colonial cinema in Africa, women's rights, resistance, and independence. The course intends to observe and analyze (1) specific movements of music and cinema in Brazil, Portugal, Guinea-Bissau, and Angola, (2) and also their social and historical settings, and (3) question the future challenges they pose. The different materials used in class discussions will enable students to understand the history, society, and culture of the said countries, and also build up vocabulary, develop critical thinking, and improve their communication (oral and writing) skills. Students will also be able to compare these topics to their own background and social experiences. The course will be conducted in Portuguese.