(I. 204k, II. 150k)
Mapping the Estate. The first image (I) is taken from William Leybourne's The Compleat Surveyor, (1653) which provided a model for drafting plans of estates. The second (II) is a detail from Samuel Walker's map of Garnetts, Essex (1622). [Larger versions of I. (336k), II. (209k).]
(I. 122k, II. 232k, III. 132k, IV. 57k)
Penshurst Place. The images above are two different views of the exterior (I, II), a view of the great hall (III), and a plan of the great hall (VI). [Larger versions of I. (339k), II. (402k), III. (248k), IV. (65k).]
(V. 93k, VI. 192k, VII. 173k, VIII. 116k)
Hatfield House. The images above are two different views of the exterior (V, VI), a view of the great hall (VII), and a plan of the first floor (VIII). [Larger versions of V. (223k), VI. (290k), VII. (320k), VIII. (177k).]
(IX. 111k, X. 265k)
These two images are from the text of Gervase Markham's The English Husbandman (1613). The first image (IX) is the title page; the second (X) is a diagram and key for his own design of a country house. [Larger version of II. (358k).]
(I. 164k, II. 306k, III. 172k, IV. 293k, V. 164k, VI. 292k)
These are images from the text of Spenser's Shepheard's Calendar. Included are a view of the full page and a closeup of the woodcut alone for the months of April (I, II), September (III, IV), and October (V, VI). [Larger versions of I. (339k), II. (316k), III. (266k), IV. (383k), V. (252k), VI. (376k).]