(I. 322k, II. 240k, III. 288k, IV. 288k, V. 301k, VI. 172k, VII. 169k)
These images are from one of the first known maps of London (c. 1553-9). No original copies are extant, but two of the estimated 20 copper engravings survive. The first image (I) shows all of the surviving map. The other images (II-VII) are details of the first.
(I. 149k, II. 159k)
The first image (I) is a depiciton of The Swan Theater (c. 1596). One of the few surving images of a London theater, this is a copy by Aernout van Buchel of a drawing by Johannes de Witt. The second (II)is an engraving from Henry Marsh, The Wits, or, Sport upon Sport, (1662). [Largers versions of I. (250k), II. (250k).]