Data and Programs used in ‘Variance Effects in the Bongaarts-Feeney Formula,’ Demography, 38(1), 1-16

Hans-Peter Kohler*    Dimiter Philipov

February 21, 2001

*Head of Research Group on Social Dynamics and Fertility, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Doberaner Str. 114, 18057 Rostock, Germany. Tel: +49-381-2081-123, Fax: +49-381-2081-423, Email:, www:
Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Doberaner Str. 114, 18057 Rostock, Germany. Email:


Bongaarts and Feeney (1998) have recently proposed an adjusted total fertility rate to disentangle tempo effects from changes in the quantum of fertility. We propose an extension to the Bongaarts and Feeney formula that includes variance effects, i.e., changes in the variance of the fertility schedule over time. If these variance effects are ignored, the mean age at birth and the adjusted total fertility rate are biased. We provide approximations for these biases, and we extend the TFR adjustment to fertility schedules with changing variance. We apply our method to the Swedish baby boom and bust and show that variance effects are important for evaluating the relative contributions of tempo and quantum effects to the fertility change from 1985 to 1995.

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Below we provide the data and programs used in Kohler and Philipov (2001), henceforth KP, for the calculation of Variance Effects in the Bongaarts-Feeney Formula subject to our disclaimer. All calculations are preformed using S-plus version 4.0 / 4.5 and the respective steps to reproduce our results are given below. (The files listed below are also available in a single zip file)

The data for Sweden were obtained from the Eurostat (1998) New Cronos database. The age-specific fertility rates are calculated from the number of births by order and age of mother and the mid-year population in the respective years. The files se-nfx-1.txt, se-nfx-2.txt, se-nfx-3.txt, se-nfx-4.txt and se-nfx-all.txt contain the respective age-and-parity specific fertility rates for first, second, third, 4+, and all births.

The following commands read these files into S-plus and define some auxiliary objects (alternatively to typing these commands, you can source the script file bfvariance-dataread.ssc).

 # determine year and age range of the data
 se.yrs_ 75:96
 se.age_ 15:49
 # read in the age-specific fertility rates obtained
 # from the New Cronos (1998) database
 se.nfx.1_as.matrix(read.table("se-nfx-1.txt",header = T, sep = "\t"))
 se.nfx.2_as.matrix(read.table("se-nfx-2.txt",header = T, sep = "\t"))
 se.nfx.3_as.matrix(read.table("se-nfx-3.txt",header = T, sep = "\t"))
 se.nfx.4_as.matrix(read.table("se-nfx-4.txt",header = T, sep = "\t"))

The script bfvariance-functions.ssc defines several functions that calculate the adjustment of the total fertility rates according to Bongaarts and Feeney (1998), henceforth BF, and additionally with the adjustment for variance effects provided in KP. These functions are loaded into S-plus by sourcing the script bfvariance-functions.ssc as

 source("bfvariance-functions.ssc", echo=T)

The main functions defined in this script are

The parity-specific adjustment of the total fertility rates with and without variance effects is then performed as

 se.os.res <- list(
             first.births =,se.age,se.yrs),
             second.births =,se.age,se.yrs),
             thrid.births =,se.age,se.yrs),
             fourth.births =,se.age,se.yrs)

where se.os.res is a list that contains the order-specific results produced by in the elements $first.births, $second.births, etc. These order-specific results are then combined across all birth orders via

 se.all.res <- F.allorder(se.nfx.all, se.age,se.os.res)

Figures 1, 3 and 4 in KP are then generated by sourcing bfvariance-figures.ssc as

 source("bfvariance-functions.ssc", echo=T)

and Figure 2 is generated by sourcing bfvariance-intuition.ssc as

 source("bfvariance-intuition.ssc", echo=T)

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   Bongaarts, J. and G. Feeney (1998). On the quantum and tempo of fertility. Population and Development Review 24(2), 271–291.

   Eurostat (1998). New Cronos Database - Population and Social Conditions. Brussels: Eurostat.

   Kohler, H.-P. and D. Philipov (2001). Variance effects in the Bongaarts-Feeney formula. Demography 38(1), 1–16.