Till Luge
Ph.D. Candidate in South Asia Studies
University of Pennsylvania

 Introduction  |  Education & Awards  |  Languages  |  Specialization  |  Academic Work  |  Dissertation  |  Research Experience  |  Teaching & Administrative Experience  |  Hindi-Urdu Workshop: Josh Malihabadi  |  Hindi-Urdu Workshop: Mir Dard 

  Academic Work


Weekly Colloquium, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Istanbul, Turkey
Presentation title: “Islam in South Asia: Its Spread and Cultural Impact”


International Conference on Materiality, Memory and Cultural Heritage, Istanbul, Turkey
Paper title: “Completely Different Matters: On the Materiality and the Symbolism of the Tomb in a Sant Lineage”


Philosophy and Religion Colloquium, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Paper title: “Between Sufism, Yoga, and Modern Hinduism: The Poetry of the Bāvarī panth


21st European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, Bonn, Germany
Paper title: “(Nirgun) bhakti and Ritual Practice: Thoughts on the History of the Bāvarī panth


21st European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, Bonn, Germany
Paper title: “The Quest for Self-Transformation and the Social Self in Indic Sufi Poetry: Courtly Hindavī Romances and Popular Braj Poems”


Biannual Hindi-Urdu Workshop, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Selected translations of Josh Malīhābādī


M.A. Thesis: “A Critical Reinterpretation of Islamic Law: the Role of Ahmad Riza Khan Barelwi’s fatawa in India’s Islamic Public Sphere”
Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany


Biannual Hindi-Urdu Workshop, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Selected translations of Khwājah Mīr Dard


Typesetting: Hüsken, U. & J. Gengnagel & S. Raman (eds.). 2005. Words and Deeds. Hindu and Buddhist Rituals in South Asia. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.


29. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Halle, Germany
Paper title: “Sufi Influences on Kabir?––A Semiotic Approach to His Soteriology” [orig. in German]

Upenn Logo Department of South Asia Studies, University of Pennsylvania
820 Williams Hall, 255 South 36th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305