Tetons Sunrise
Home UPenn E-Portfolio CHEM 501
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Chem 505-Environmental Chemistry
Course Description

The goals of this course are to expand the participants' understanding of current environmental issues and the centrality of chemistry in providing solutions to environmental concerns.

The course will provide an in-depth look at environmental issues impacted, both negatively and positively, by chemistry. This will include the chemistry of "pollutants" in air, water, and soil; their transport and fate in the environment; how they are detected and analyzed, and methods of remediation. Concepts of risk assessment will also be studied.
  • PIM #1 - Enthalpy of Vaporization
  • PIM #2 - Varying pH levels Across the U.S.
  • PIM #3 - Lead in the Drinking Water of D.C.
  • PIM #4 - Poisoning of Former Russian Spy