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Science Guidelines for
Biology II and Chemistry

    Rules of Conduct
  1. Be POLITE.  Treat everyone with respect.  Talking is only permitted after raising your hand and being recognized by the teacher.  This helps us to give                     everyone a fair chance to be heard.  Be sure that your language is appropriate at all times. Your attitude does matter!
  2. Be PROMPT.  Arrive to class before the bell. 
  3. Be PREPARED. Be sure to have everything you need with you - homework, notebook, paper, textbook, and two working pens or pencils. Use the                         lavatory, phone, water fountain, or locker before class.  Your number one priority this period is science, and you need to be ready to learn when you             arrive.
  4. Be PRODUCTIVE.  Listen for and follow directions.  These are important!

    Grading Policy
                    Pre Class Activities (PCA’s)..................................................1-5 points
                    Homework............................................................................5-10 points
                    Labs......................................................................................20-50 points
                   Quizzes..................................................................................10-50 points
                    Projects.................................................................................25-250 points
                    Tests.....................................................................................100 points
                    Participation...........................................................................50 points
                    Optional credit assignments……………………………..…..10-50 points
    Participation Grade
    Late Work

  1. An “NA” (Not Acceptable) on an assignment means that your work is unacceptable (illegible, or does not include the following information: name, date, class period, and title of assignment.  I will not accept work without this information, and will not grade anything I can not read.  Once returned, this work will be given one night to be resubmitted.  After one night, it will be graded as late. *(see late work information above)
  2. I do not re-issue papers that you have lost.  All extra copies of papers are in folders in a crate on the side of the room.  All extra copies are available on a first come, first served basis.  After those papers are gone, you must get a photocopy from a friend. 
  3. If anything happens to your textbook or notebook, notify me immediately so that we can catch you up to speed before you get too far behind.  Most assignments (classwork and homework) will be in a packet and may be collected at the test for that topic.  At times, the work may be stamped and then recorded at the test when you turn the packet in.  If you misplace the packet, you will lose credit for those assignments that were not recorded. You will need to bring the packet for the current topic everyday, regardless of the homework assignment the previous night.
  4. Chemistry students are required to have a calculator capable of scientific notation for this class everyday after the first week of classes.  If you need help in finding a suitable calculator, I will let you know which ones are inexpensive (under $13). You can get these just about anywhere- even chain drugstores carry them. The calculator you needed for 8th grade (the TI 82) is not adequate because it can not compute in scientific notation.
  5. Extra credit assignments should come from an idea that you think of that complements what we are studying in class.  I am not in the habit of creating of extra assignments.  See me if you have any ideas, which should come from your ideas on how to expand on your knowledge and that of your classmates.
  6. If you have questions- ASK!  I can’t help unconfused you unless you tell me you are confused.  I am available for help almost everyday after school; check with me in class.  If I’m not available that day, we’ll get a day that works for both of us.  If you are involved in sports or other after school activities that run later than 3:15, we can work out a time that we can meet, sometimes even later that day.  You also can email me with questions. I will make every attempt to reply to your email by 9:00pm if it is received before 8:00pm.
  7. You are permitted two passes per quarter.  Anything other than these two will deduct points from your participation grade, at 5 per trip. Anytime during class, you may take the pass and go as long as it is not after your two passes.  You do not need to ask permission for these first two trips; however, I do need to sign the pass. You are to sign out on the pass and bring it with you after I’ve signed it.  Only one person may use a pass at a time. Excessively long trips will result in pass forfeiture for the remainder of the semester.  If there is a medical reason you need to use the facilities more frequently, please have your parent/ guardian contact me.
  8. Follow all lab rules.  Failure to follow lab rules will cause you to be ineligible to participate in future labs.  Three more words here: GOGGLES, GOGGLES, GOGGLES!  If you lose more than 30 participation points due to goggle infractions, I will need to meet with your parents before you can participate in lab again.
  9. All students are expected to have read and adhere to the “honorable student”  guidelines distributed to all students in homeroom at the beginning of the year.
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