Jacob's ladder - Pictorial Density functional classification

Density Functional Theory and Long-Range van der Waals Interactions

My primary research interest is to seek fundamental understanding of electronic structures. Based on our understanding, we develop new computational methods to study various aspects of molecules and solids, including ground-state as well as excited-state properties. In electronic structure calculations, the most popular method is Kohn-Sham density functional theory, due to its high computational efficiency and useful accuracy. In this theory, everything is known, except for the exchange-correlation energy component, which has to be approximated as a functional of the electron density. Therefore, the central task of DFT is to develop more reliable exchange-correlation functionals with improved accuracy. In the past thiry years, many density functionals have been proposed and some of them have been widely used in electronic structure calculations.

Density functionals can be divided into two broad categories: Semilocal and nonlocal density functionals. The former is developed using local or semilocal information, such as the electron density, the gradient of the density, and Kohn-Sham orbital kinetic energy density, and thus is computationally more efficient, while the latter is developed by adding nonlocal information, such as exact exchange energy density, and thus is potentially more accurate, because this kind of nonlocal functional can satisfy exact constraints beyond those satisfied by semilocal DFT. The problem is how to build nonlocality into semilocal DFT, without losing the accuracy that semilocal DFT has already achieved.

We are currently developing semilocal DFT using novel methods, aiming to consistently improve the accuracy and applicability of meta-GGA functionals. Then we build nonlocality into our new functionals to construct nonlocal DFT, such as local-hybrid and local-range separation functionals. Finally we incoporate long-range van der Waals interactions into the framework of DFT to study electronic structure of molecules, polymers, clusters, and solids.

  • Invited Presentations can be found from PDF
  • Latest News:

    (updated 5/15/2018)

  • A postdoc position in density functional theory is available. The postdoc will perform research on method development, test, and application. If interested, please send the resume to me and also send all application materials to https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/9931/apply

  • I was recently selected to receive Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who. This is a wonderful honor on my research.

  • I am invited to give a talk on the 255th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (March 18-22, 2018), New Orleans, LA.

  • News release: Tao-Mo meta-GGA functional in molecular excitation energy was released on the AIP media" on June 20, 2017.

    TM meta-GGA density functional " has been implemented into Gaussian, QChem, Turbomole, and TDDFT code (Octopus).

  • I am serving a guest editor of Computation for a special issue "Advances in Electronic Structure Theory: Method Development and Application". Both original and review articles are welcome. Deadline is April 30, 2017.

  • I chaired an international conference Computation and Theory 2016 (Oct. 10-14/2016, Las Vegas, USA), and organized the workshop on Density Functional Theory and Its Application for this conference

    Dr. Yuxiang Mo gave give a talk at APS March Meeting
  • . The title of his talk is ``Assessment of a New Semilocal Density Functional on Molecules and Solids''

  • Professor Guocai Tian from Kunming University of Science and Technology, China, is visiting our research group, working on the development and application of DFT and long-range vdW interaction. He is supported by the Chinese government as visiting research scholar.

  • Lin Xu, a student at Central High School in Philadelphia is receiving the special training for his science competition. His project is ``Modeling the binding energy curve for van der Waals bonded systems''. He is now a MIT student.

  • I was invited to be Lead Guest editor for an upcoming special issue on Recent Progress in Density Functional Theory: Theory and Application for the Journal of Chemistry