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Adaptation optimizes sensory encoding for future stimuli
Jiang Mao, Constantin A Rothkopf, and Alan A Stocker
PLoS Computational Biology, 21(1): e1012746, 2025
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Dynamics of efficient ensemble coding
Long Ni and Alan A Stocker
preprint 12/2024
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The tilt illusion arises from an efficient reallocation of neural coding resources at the contextual boundary
Ling-Qi Zhang, Jiang Mao, Geoffrey Karl Aguirre, and Alan A Stocker
preprint 09/2024
www | illusion -
Confirmation bias through selective use of evidence in human cortex
Hame Park, Ayelet Arazi, Bharath Chandra Talluri, Marco Celotto, Stefano Panzeri, Alan A Stocker, and Tobias H Donner
preprint 06/2024
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A linear sensorimotor transformation accounts for response range-dependent biases in human heading estimation
Sun Qi, Ling-Hao Xu, and Alan A Stocker
preprint 05/2024
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Sensory perception is a holistic inference process
Jiang Mao and Alan A Stocker
Psychological Review, 131(4):858–890, 2024
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Efficient sensory encoding predicts robust averaging
Long Ni and Alan A Stocker
Cognition, 232:105334, 2023
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Efficient neural codes naturally emerge through gradient descent learning
Ari Benjamin, Lingqi Zhang, Cheng Qiu, Alan A Stocker and Konrad P Kording
Nature Communications, 13(1):7972, 2022
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Prior expectations in visual speed perception predict encoding characteristics of neurons in area MT
Lingqi Zhang and Alan A Stocker
Journal of Neuroscience, 42(14):2951–2962, 2022
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Categorical judgments do not modify sensory representations in working memory
Long Luu and Alan A Stocker
PLos Computational Biology, 17(6): 1–28, 2021
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Individuals with autism spectrum disorder have altered visual encoding capacity
Jean-Paul Noel, Lingqi Zhang, Alan A Stocker and Dora E Angelaki
PLoS Biology, 19(5): e3001215, 2021
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Benefits of commitment in hierarchical inference
Cheng Qiu, Long Luu, and Alan A Stocker
Psychological Review, Vol. 127(4), 2020
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Shared visual illusions between humans and artificial neural networks
Ari Benjamin, Cheng Qiu, Lingqi Zhang, Konrad P Koerding and Alan A Stocker
In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN), September 13-16, 2019
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Credo for optimality
Alan A Stocker
Open Peer Commentary: Behavioral and Brain Sciences BBS, Vol. 41, 2019
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Post-decision biases reveal a self-consistency principle in perceptual inference
Long Luu and Alan A Stocker
eLife, vol.7, e33334, 2018
www | pdf | press (elife) | press (penn today) High- to low-level decoding does not generally improve perceptual performance
Long Luu, Cheng Qiu, and Alan A Stocker
bioRxiv 240390, December 27, 2017
wwwLawful relation between perceptual bias and discriminability
Xue-Xin Wei and Alan A Stocker
Proc. National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 114(38), 2017
www | pdf | correctionVisual decision-making in an uncertain and dynamic world
Josh I Gold and Alan A Stocker
Annual Review of Vision Science, Vol. 3, 2017
www | pdfHuman decision-making under limited time
Pedro Ortega and Alan A Stocker
NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29, Barcelona, December 2016
www | pdfEfficient neural codes under metabolic constraints
Zhuo Wang, Xue-Xin Wei, Alan A Stocker, and Daniel D Lee
NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29, Barcelona, December 2016
www | pdf | supplementEfficient neural codes that minimize Lp reconstruction error
Zhuo Wang and Alan A Stocker and Daniel D Lee
Neural Computation, vol. 28, p. 2656-2686, 2016
abstract | www | pdfMutual information, Fisher information, and Efficient coding
Xue-Xin Wei and Alan A Stocker
Neural Computation, vol. 28, p. 305-326, 2016
abstract | www | pdfA Bayesian observer model constrained by Efficient coding can explain "anti-Bayesian" percepts
Xue-Xin Wei and Alan A Stocker
Nature Neuroscience, vol. 18(10), p. 1509-1517, 2015
abstract | www | pdf | video | news & views | news flashSignal integration in human visual speed perception
Matjaz Jogan and Alan A Stocker
Journal of Neuroscience, 35(25), 2015, p. 9381-9390.
abstract | www | pdfCausal reasoning in a prediction task with hidden causes
Pedro Ortega and Dan D Lee and Alan A Stocker
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Cognitive Science Society Meeting. July 23-25, 2015, p. 1787-1792.
abstract | www | pdfCharacterizing the impact of category uncertainty on human auditory categorization behavior
Adam M Gifford and Yale E Cohen and Alan A Stocker
PLoS Computational Biology, 10(7), July 17, 2014, p. 1-15.
abstract | www | pdfDynamic Belief State Representations
Dan D Lee and Pedro Ortega and Alan A Stocker
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 25, March 15, 2014, p. 221-227.
abstract | www | pdfA new two-alternative forced choice method for the unbiased characterization of perceptual bias and discriminability
Matjaz Jogan and Alan A Stocker
Journal of Vision, 14(3):22, March 2014, p. 1–18.
abstract | www | pdf | supplementary material | news commentaryBiased perception leads to biased action: Validating a Bayesian model of interception
Alexander Tank and Alan A Stocker
arXiv:1403.1920 [q-bio.NC], 08 March 2014
abstract | www | pdfOptimal integration of visual speed across different spatiotemporal frequency channels
Matjaz Jogan and Alan A Stocker
NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26, Lake Tahoe CA, December 2013, MIT Press, p. 3201-3209.
abstract | www | pdfFisher-optimal neural population codes for high-dimensional diffeomorphic stimulus representations
Zhuo Wang and Alan A Stocker and Dan D Lee
NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26, Lake Tahoe CA, December 2013, MIT Press, p. 297-305.
abstract | www | pdfEfficient coding provides a direct link between prior and likelihood in perceptual Bayesian inference
Xue-Xin Wei and Alan A Stocker
NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25, Lake Tahoe CA, December 2012, MIT Press. p. 1313-1321
abstract | www | pdfOptimal neural tuning curves for arbitrary stimulus distributions: Discrimax, infomax and minimum Lp loss
Zhuo Wang and Alan A Stocker and Dan D Lee
NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25, Lake Tahoe CA, December 2012, MIT Press. p. 2177–2185
abstract | www | pdfBayesian inference with efficient neural population codes
Xue-Xin Wei and Alan A Stocker
ICANN Int. Conference on Artifical Neural Networks, Sept 2012. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7552, p. 523-530
abstract | www | pdfOptimal inference explains the perceptual coherence of visual motion stimuli
James H Hedges and Alan A Stocker and Eero P Simoncelli
Journal of Vision, 11(6):14, May 2011, p. 1-16
abstract | www | pdfAmbiguity and invariance: two fundamental challenges for visual processing
Nicole C Rust and Alan A Stocker
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 20:3, June 2010, p. 382-388
abstract | www | pdfVisual motion aftereffects arise from a cascade of two isomorphic adaptation mechanisms
Alan A Stocker and Eero P Simoncelli
Journal of Vision, 9(9):9, August 2009, p. 1-14
abstract | www | pdf | supplementary materialIs the homunculus 'aware' of sensory adaptation?
Peggy Series, Alan A Stocker, and Eero P Simoncelli
Neural Computation, vol. 21, December 2009, p. 3271-3304
abstract | www | pdfA Bayesian model of conditioned perception
Alan A Stocker and Eero P Simoncelli
NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20, Vancouver Canada, December 2007, MIT Press, p. 1409-1416
abstract | www | pdf | news commentary (in: Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics 2009, 71 (2))Visual adaptation: neural, psychological and computational aspects
Clifford CWG, and Webster MA, and Stanley GB, and Stocker AA, and Kohn A, and Sharpee TO, and Schwartz O
Vision Research, vol.47(25), November 2007, p. 3125-3131
abstract | www | pdfNoise characteristics and prior expectations in human visual speed perception
Alan A Stocker and Eero P Simoncelli
Nature Neuroscience. vol.9, no.4, April 2006, p. 578-585
abstract | www | pdf | cover | supplementary material | news and views | scienceNowAnalog Integrated 2D Optical Flow Sensor
Alan A Stocker
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer; vol. 46, no. 2, January 2006, p. 121-138
abstract | www | pdfSensory Adaptation within a Bayesian Framework for Perception
Alan A Stocker and Eero P Simoncelli
NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18, Vancouver Canada, December 2005, MIT Press, p. 1291-1298
abstract | pdfConstraining a Bayesian Model of Human Visual Speed Perception
Alan A Stocker and Eero P Simoncelli
NIPS Neural Information Processing Systems 17, Vancouver Canada, December 2004, MIT Press, p.1361-1368
abstract | pdfAnalog VLSI focal-plane array with dynamic connections for the estimation of piecewise-smooth optical flow
Alan A Stocker
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-1; vol. 51, no. 5, May 2004, p. 963-973
abstract | www | pdfAnalog Integrated 2-D Optical Flow Sensor with Programmable Pixels
Alan A Stocker and Rodney J Douglas
ISCAS2004, Vancouver Canada, 23.-26. May 2004, vol. 3, p. 9-12
abstract | pdfCompact Integrated Transconductance Amplifier Circuit for Temporal Differentiation
Alan A Stocker
ISCAS2003, Bangkok Thailand, 25.-28. May 2003,vol.1, p. 201-203
abstract | pdfClassifying Patterns of Visual Motion - a Neuromorphic Approach
Jakob Heinzle and Alan A Stocker
NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15, Vancouver Canada, December 2002, MIT Press, p. 1123-1130
abstract | pdf | video (mpeg 3m)Silicon Retina Sensing guided by Omni-direction Vision
Becanovic V, and Indiveri G, and Kobialka H-U, and Ploger P, and Stocker AA
Mechatronics and Machine Vision 2002: Current Practice; p.13-21, ISBN:0-86380-278-8
abstract | pdfAn Improved 2D Optical Flow Sensor for Motion Segmentation
Alan A Stocker
ISCAS2002, Phoenix USA, 26.-29. May 2002, vol.2, p. 332-335, invited paper
abstract | pdfComputation of Smooth Optical Flow in a Feedback Connected Analog Network
Alan A Stocker and Rodney J Douglas
NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11, Denver, December 1998, MIT Press, p. 706-712
abstract | pdfStability Study of Some Neural Networks Applied to Tissue Characterization of Brain Magnetic Resonance Images
Alan A Stocker, O Sipila, A Visa, O Salonen and T Katila
ICPR Proc. 13th Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1996, p. 472-477
abstract | pdf
2004 and older
Analog VLSI Circuits for the Perception of Visual Motion
Alan A Stocker
Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-470-85491-X, hardcover, 240 pages
March 2006
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phD theses
Efficient ensemble coding
Long Ni
PhD thesis, Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, July 2024.
pdfComputational principles underlying contextual modulations in visual perception
Jiang Mao
PhD thesis, Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, June 2023.
pdfSensory representations optimized for the natural environment
Lingqi Zhang
PhD thesis, Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, May 2023.
pdfSelf-consistency in sequential decision-making
Long T Luu
PhD thesis, Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Sept 2018.
pdfEfficient computation in the brain
Xue-Xin Wei
PhD thesis, Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, May 2015.
pdfConstraint Optimization Networks for Visual Motion Perception - Analysis and Synthesis
Alan A Stocker
PhD thesis, Physics, ETH Zurich, March 2002.
abstract | pdf