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Grace Kim
Last updated Mar 1, 2009


Before participating in the MCE program, I had never taken an education course beyond the teacher training basics needed to gain alternate-route certification and cursorily equip me for the classroom.  As part of the MCE program, I completed one chemical education course last year and am currently enrolled in another this year.  While engaged in these courses, I have immersed myself in theories and research about how students learn chemistry and how to improve their learning.  The implications for my role in creating student-centered, inclusive curriculum, classroom structure, and classroom culture have been eye-opening.  The following resources are what I deem seminal articles/ authoritative voices in the shaping of my viewpoint of chemical education and my role as an educator and researcher. 

The bibliography is divided into three parts:

The six articles in Part 1 address the question of why educational change is necessary and explore the constructivist nature of learning and the specific difficulties students face in constructing chemical knowledge. The implications for classroom structure and curriculum are clear: classes must be student-centered and very strongly structured around peer interactions and concrete observations and the process of conceptualizing observations.  Parts 2 and 3 explore the questions of what a student-centered classroom looks like and how to create it.  The articles in Part 2 provide the related research and resources in curriculum methods that affect class structure.  Part 3 focuses on the last, and perhaps most crucial, underlying component of effective teaching--the creation of a classroom culture that engages and respects students.  The social and cultural interaction of beliefs that occur during the teaching and learning of chemistry dramatically affect student engagement and the more longterm goals of sustained interest and engagement in the sciences.Within each part, articles that have had the greatest impact in shaping my viewpoint are cited and discussed first.  There are links to excerpted figures, tables, and websites that have been particularly useful in crystallizing and further developing important ideas (they open in a new window when clicked).

Part 1: A Constructivist Theory of Learning

Johnstone, A.H. (1997). Chemistry teaching--Science or alchemy? Journal of Chemical Education, 74(3), 262-268.
    Alexander Johnstone (recipient of the 2009 ACS Award for Achievement in Research for the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry) succinctly re-presents an information processing model taken from education, psychology, and artificial intelligence theories that fits within the constructivist framework of learning.  Information is learned only after it has been strained through a perceptive filter into short-term memory where it is interpreted and processed by interaction with prior information retrieved from long-term memory.  Only after the new information is placed in context with previous information is it placed in long-term memory (i.e. learned) for future retrieval and application.  Because the amount of short-term memory available is a constant, to increase the efficiency of recall and storage, students must increase their ability to organize or "chunk" many separate pieces of information into a more manageable number of coherent, related groups of information.  A student's preconceptions and lack of experience combined with an abundance of new, seemingly unrelated information can overload his ability to achieve meaningful, long-term learning.  In light of this model, Johnston suggests that instructors abide by ten commandments of instructionThis article has been particularly important in giving me a foundational model for understanding how students learn and, in particular, how they process new information in the context of previously learned information.

Spencer, J.N. (1999).  New directions in teaching chemistry: A philosophical and pedagogical basis.  Journal of Chemical Education, 76(4), 566-569. 
    James Spencer, co-creator and advocate of the POGIL method with Moog and Farrell, identifies that the majority of students learn in a concrete-active fashion, whereas most chemistry instructors learn (and therefore most comfortably teach) in abstract-reflective fashion.  To further clarify the teaching-learning style mismatch, Spencer compares the differences in student and teacher roles in a traditional versus a student-centered classroom as well as the differences between curricular strategies that do and do not develop students' critical thinking skills.  Failed curricular strategies include solving exercises at the board, teacher demonstrations of algorithms, and the solving of countless homework exercises.  Successful strategies include experiential learning that engages the senses via small group discussions and projects, in-class presentations and debates, monitored experiential learning, peer critiques, field experiences, developing simulations, and case-method approach.  To increase learning, Spencer encourages a instruction that parallels the learning cycle: exploration followed by concept invention (induction) followed by application of the concept (deduction).  This article was particularly useful to me because of its perceptive identification of the common thought process which frustrated instructors have in response to poor student understanding, and for its comparison of the traditional classroom (perhaps, my pre-existing framework) and the student-centered classroom.

Bunce, D.M. (2001). Does Piaget still have anything to say to chemists? [Online Symposium: Piaget, Constructivism, and Beyond]. Journal of Chemical Education, 78, 1107.
    Bunce recapitulates the educational implications of Piaget and Vygotski's cognitive theories--learning should be student-centered, process-driven, saturated with interaction with both the physical environment and other people, and accepting and accomodating of variation among students.  Student-centered processes include reviewing or eliciting the knowledge a student already possesses before presenting new knowledge.  Learning through social interaction can be increased by learning in small co-operative learning groups of teacher-classroom interactions involving dialogue.  The key implication of this article is that lecturing may not be student-centered enough or engaging enough to induce learning, and it is the responsibility of the teacher to determine methods of instruction that actively include the participation of the student.  This has had an impact upon my understanding of teaching and learning--students do not necessarily learn what is taught, or rather "covered."  Students learn what they construct via interacting with the information, often through peer and instructor-mediated discussions.  Mere presentation of information is insufficient to ensure longterm meaningful recall and application.

Nakhleh, M.B. (2001). Theories or fragments? The debate over learners' naive ideas about science [Online Symposium: Piaget, Constructivism, and Beyond]. Journal of Chemical Education, 78, 1107.
    Nakhleh summarizes two theories about the naive ideas that learners possess, presents data from two studies of students' learning about bonding and the nature of matter, respectively, and then discussess the implications for teaching goals.  The data in the studies shows that students hold both theory-like ideas as well as disjointed fragments.  The implications for classroom practice is that instruction should increase meaningful connection of ideas with real world experience to further help students develop, identify, and articulate conceptions that are not fully developed or connected into a coherent framework, as well as challenge students misconceptions with accepted scientific theory.  This article has given me insight into the unique role that experience of real world phenomena has in solidifying, connecting, and challenging theories about the nature of matter.  To create more comprehensive, cohesive ways of understanding, the teaching of abstract concepts must incorporate more concrete connections and exposure to real-life observations.

Johnstone, A.H. (1993). The development of chemistry teaching: A changing response to changing demand. Journal of Chemical Education, 70(9), 701-105. 
    Johnstone expounds upon information processing theory and the particular difficulties students face in learning Chemistry that are related to the nature of the subject.  Chemistry has three parts: macrochemistry, submicrochemistry, and representational chemistry.  In describing the multi-faceted nature of chemical fluency, this article made me more aware of the need for sensitivity toward the difficulties my students may face.  My students may have limited previous experience, and I must take care to build upon what they already know without overwhelming them.  Johnstone suggests that an instructor must be particularly careful when first introducing a concept that easily touches on all three components of Chemistry (e.g. the concept of elements and compounds).  The instructor may have to limit student exposure to only one or two dimensions to ensure the sound construction of a coherent framework that can be revisited later.  Being taught a concept on all three levels simultaneously, particularly when factoring in unfamiliar chemical language and symbolism, can detract from the amount of available working memory devoted to any one part, and can make the task of becoming proficient overwhelming.

Nakhleh, M.B.(1992).  Why some students don't learn chemistry: Chemical misconceptions. Journal of Chemical Education, 69(3), 191-196.
Nakhleh identifies student misconceptions across age groups (high school to undergraduate level) with the kinetic and particulate nature of matter (KPNR) and its implications to several other concepts in chemistry: phase changes, equilibrium, reactions, equations.  Examples and illustrations of student misconceptions are given.  This article is of particular interest to me because it highlights the difficulty with getting students to understand the submicroscopic nature of chemistry.  In light of the previous articles that showed how concrete real-life experience is often the easiest way to create coherent and meaningful learning, it is no wonder that students have difficulty understanding an aspect of chemistry that cannot be seen, but only imagined or experienced on the macroscopic level!  At the same time, because KPNR is such a cornerstone of chemistry, whatever means necessary must be taken to increase student understanding, whether that involves the use of manipulatives or repetitive connection with and interpretation of macroscopic phenomena in terms of KPNR.

Part 2: Interactive Curriculum & Class Structure

Landis, C.R., Peace, G.E., Scharberg, M.A., Branz, S., Spencer, J.N., Ricci, R.W., Zumdahl, S.A., & Shaw, D. (1998).  The new traditions consortium: Shifting from a faculty-centered paradigm to a student-centered paradigm. Journal of Chemical Education, 75(6), 741-744. 
The authors of this article are faculty from various colleges and universities that collectively comprise the New Traditions Consortium, an NSF supported project that seeks to provide "the tools and data that will facilitate a paradigm shift from faculty-centered teaching to student-centered teaching."  This article was particularly useful to me as it provided an overview of several interactive tools and methods, as well as information on where to get more complete classroom resources and feedback on the actual practice of these methods.  Of particular interest to me among the tools discussed  were ConcepTests, developed to make lectures more interactive by having students vote on the answers to conceptual questions and then spend class time debating and discussing the underpinning of their choices.  Other curricular methods included the team problem solving of challenge questions, inquiry-based and open-ended laboratories, interactive texts, and lectureless guided-inquiry worksheets.  The evaluation of these techniques included looking at quantitative classroom performance (i.e. grades), student and instructor attitude, and class retention (i.e dropout rates).  This articles serves as an excellent starting point for looking into a wide range of techniques for classroom structure to be more student-centered.

Farrell, J.J., Moog, R.S., & Spencer, J.N. (1999). A guided inquiry general chemistry course. Journal of Chemical Education, 76(4), 570-574.
Farrell, Moog, and Spencer are perhaps the most widely recognized proponents of group guided inquiry through the POGIL method, a method they have helped popularize with their books and the effective implementation of this technique in the General Chemistry courses at Franklin and Marshall.  In this article, Farrell, Moog, and Spencer discuss in detail the typical structure of a class and an example of a good guided inquiry lab, the structure of a guided inquiry worksheet, the practical roles of students and instructors, and testing and evaluation.  While the use of the authors' practices would no doubt be modified in my classroom to meet the particular needs of my students, this article is informative in its attention to the small practices and details that make the practice of the authors fluent and cohesive.  For example, the article explains the rationale and the type of roles students are assigned when working in their groups, as well as ways in which the instructor's interaction reinforces the benefits of those roles (e.g. vigilantly checking on each group, having the "recorder" submit a copy of the answers to critical thinking questions or a synopsis of the important concepts learned during the class).  This article was particularly noteworthy for how useful it was in providing me with starting points for adopting a similar practice in my classroom.

Roth, W-M. (2006). Ch 1: Aporias of perception in science.  Learning Science: A Singular Plural Perspective.  Rotterdam: Sense Publications, 27-66.
    In this chapter of his book, Roth examines the usefulness of science demonstrations in the classroom.  Roth examines the differing perspectives that instructors and students have regarding the phenomena these demonstrations seek to illuminate.  In most cases, demonstrations alone were useless in creating an understanding of phenomena when unpaired with proper context and guided inquiry.  Instead, demonstrations could even foster incorrect notions or merely detract from the conceptual understanding they wer seeking to reinforce. Since the perception of events and the causality assigned to them is dependent upon current understandings and exposure, Roth highlights the need to explore the phenomenon, seek explanations from students, and to re-iterate the process. This article was disturbing and eye-opening to me because I realized that while demonstrations (or any colorful or engaging pratice) are exciting and fun, they are useless when devoid of pedagogical practices that foster inquiry and the correction of wrongful understandings.  It reinforced the absolute necessity of building exploration, inquiry, assessment, and repetition into activities.

Research Showing the Positive Effect of Peer Teaching and Group Learning.
Tai, R.H., & Sadler, P.M. (2007). High school chemistry instructional practices and their association with college chemistry grades.
Journal of Chemical Education, 84(6), 1040-1046. 

    Tai and Sadler assessed how various curricular techniques experienced in high school chemistry courses impacted college chemistry grades by analyzing a sub-sample of data from a nationally representative survey of introductory college science students from 2002 (Factors Influencing College Science Success, Project FICSS, NSF-REC 0115649).   The frequency and use of lecture, small-group work, individual work, whole class discussions, every day examples, testing, peer teaching, standardized test prep, and community related projects was correlated to performance (i.e. grade) in college general chemistry.  Peer teaching and the use of everyday examples was positively associated with college performance.  Individual work, demonstrations, and community projects were negatively associated, though the authors hypothesize that demonstrations may have had a negative effect because they usually occured with inadequate student analysis and discussion.  Community projects may have shown a negative association because of a lack of variance since most students only engaged in them very rarely.  This research reinforced the need to include more peer teaching and everyday examples in my classroom.

Williamson, V.M., & Rowe, M.W. (2002). Group problem-solving versus lecture in college-level quantitative analysis: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Journal of Chemical Education, 79(9), 1131-1134. 
    Williamson and Rowe observed the differences in grades, retention rate, and student attitudes between one section of a general chemistry course that relied primarily on traditional lecture (the control) and another section of a general chemistry course that replaced traditional lecture with cooperative group problem-solving sessions (the treatment).  The effect of changing the class structure was quantitatively measured by observing grades, dropout rates, and differences in attitude surveys.  The treatment group showed a pronounced trend toward higher grades and lower dropout rates.  The effect of changing the class structure was qualitatively measured with student interviews.  Interviews showed that students enjoyed the communal sense of solidarity formed, and that struggling students seemed to have a quicker and easier time learning from peers than the instructor.  The conclusion was that student engagement and learning benefited from the use of group problem-solving, but that students and instructors could be resistant to changing traditional classroom structure and that the sole reliance upon any instructional technique would cause students to tire of routine.  The authors suggest researching a combined lecture and problem-solving approach to address the drawbacks.  This article was particularly informative because it provided quantitative evidence about the positive effect that group problem-solving has on understanding, student attitudes, and student retention rates, further convincing me of the need to integrate more group problem-solving in my classroom.

Nakhleh, M.B., Lowrey, K.A., & Mitchell, R.C. (1996). Narrowing the gap between concepts and algorithms in freshman chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 73(8), 758-762.
    Noting the differences that exist between an algorithmic and conceptual understanding of chemistry (Nakhleh, 1993), Nakhleh, Lowrey, and Mitchell sought to improve a second semester college general chemistry course (Project REMODEL) by replacing one traditional lecture session with an interactive special session in which students worked on conceptual problems in self-selected peer groups of six to nine people and then presented and critiqued solutions to other groups and the instructor.  The authors assessed changes in student engagement and student conceptual understanding by the use of student opinion surveys, performance on conceptual and algorithmic questions on exams, field notes from special sessions, and interviews of the participating professor.  Results show that students felt more engaged in the course and evidence from session field notes supports their voluntary production and integration of concepts.  As the course continued, discrepancies between conceptual and algorithmic questions on the exams also decreased, and the instructor also noted an increased degree of enthusiasm and achievement.  This research is important because it emphasized to me how the integration of even a limited amount of interactive, student-centered, instructor-guided peer-teaching into a course can improve learning and student attitudes.

Part 3: Classroom Culture to Increase Motivation

Tobin, K., & Roth, W.-M. (2006). Teaching to Learn: A View From the Field.  Rotterdam: Sense Publication.
    Tobin and Roth's book explores and expounds upon how to get started with and use coteaching and cogenerative dialogues in one's classroom.  Particularly helpful to me were the insights upon how to use cogenerative dialogues as a means to investigate the learning frameworks of my students and thus modify instruction to better meet their particular needs.  This practice seems particularly well-suited to the goal of generating co-responsibility in learning and in identifying and tackling problems that affect the learning environment, but may not be addressed by more traditional methods.  The book gives practical guidelines such as the baseline rule that all participants must act in the best interest of all others, that the cogenerative dialogue must include viewpoints representative of the class diversity, and that power asymmetries must be minimized as much as possible.  Tobin and Roth also provide the basic structure of a cogenerative dialogue--discussion of a shared experience followed by suggestions for possible improvements and shared resolutions (or co-responsibility) to enact improvements.  The metalogue format that Tobin and Roth have interspersed throughout the book allows for an interactive tone that is insightful and less threatening in its presentation of the authors perspectives on co-teaching.  The excerpts of selected cogenerative dialogues for the purpose of illustration are also helpful in increasing my exposure to a practice that may seem daunting, if only because of my unfamiliarity with it.

Roth, W-M. (2006). Ch 1: Aporias of perception in science.  Learning Science: A Singular Plural Perspective.  Rotterdam: Sense Publications, 27-66.
    I have repeated this citation (which is also found in Part 2) because of how it speaks to the role that culture and pre-existing beliefs have on perspective.  Roth examines the differing perspectives that instructors and students have regarding the phenomena that demonstrations seek to illuminate.  In most cases, demonstrations alone were useless in creating an understanding of phenomena when unpaired with proper context and guided inquiry.  Instead, demonstrations could even foster incorrect notions or merely detract from the conceptual understanding they wer seeking to reinforce. Since the perception of events and the causality assigned to them is dependent upon current understandings and exposure, Roth highlights the need to explore the phenomenon, seek explanations from students, and to re-iterate the process. This article has made me more aware of the need to question my own assumptions and to use research as a contributing voice in developing instruction.  While intuition is frequently accurate in adapting to the needs of the classroom, it is inadequate if not balanced by perspectives outside oneself.

Yamagata-Lynch., L.C., & Haudenschild, M.T. (2008). Using activity systems analysis to identify inner contradiction in teacher professional development.  Teaching and Teacher Education, doi:10.1016/j.tate.2008.09.014
This article was was my introduction to Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) perspective and activity systems analysisIt was particularly useful to me in showing me how to sort through the qualitative complexity of cultural activity to identify and analyze its key components.  CHAT seems to be particularly useful when the joint production of an outcome is the result of the complex interplay of many factors.  This article explores how activity systems analysis was used to the identify situational factors that were obstacles for effective teacher professional development.  By mapping out the subjects, rules, mediating tools, community, division of labor, objects and outcomes, competing activity systems (a.k.a contradictions) were identified and suggestions given for directly addressing the underlying misalignments.

Thorton, L.J., & McEntee, M.E. (1995). Learner centered schools as a mindset, and the connection with mindfulness and multiculturalism. Theory Into Practice, 34(4), 250-257. 
    Thorton and McEntee introduce mindsets dialectically related to the learner centered process.  Mindfulness and multiculturalism encourages educators to explore why they engage in certain practices (in addition to the traditional focus upon exploring what practice is and how one does it).  Mindfulness encourages attention to external detail and the internal processing of experience, formation and re-organization of categories when these are challenged, and continual adjustment to knowledge-production in the present.  Information is treated as contextual and relative, rather than absolute and unchanging.  In this manner, mindfulness allows for openness to and respect for different points of view--the foundation of multiculturalism.  The multicultural mindset is interconnected with mindfulness in its evalution of cultural assumptions, investigation of the "cultural components of an unfamiliar behavior ("new" knowledge) prior to judging the encounter negatively or positively," and its reaffirmation of pluralism.  The multicultural perspective evaluates the effect of language, the individuality of the learner, and ability to empathize and modify interaction appropriately.  After giving the foundations of why an educator should engage in multicultural and mindful practice, the authors also give a summary of practices that are associated with gaining a meta-cognitive awareness of one's one perspective.  This article initially provoked a meta-cognitive evaluation of whether my currently held perspectives were actually mindful and multicultural.  While this framework of principles and theoretical language is not readily observed at all times in my own experience and practice, it will undoubtedly continue to impact the evolution of my perspective as an educator as its coherence and validity to the learning process is indisputable.

McCombs, B.L. (2001). What do we know about learners and learning? The learner-centered framework: Bringing the educational system into balance. Educational Horizons, 182-193. 
    McCombs posits that the educational system is imbalanced because of its over-emphasis upon students' achievement of content standards (i.e. knowledge conservation) and its inadequate attention for the particular personal, socio-cultural needs of a student  in knowledge production.  The problems that result include students' disconnection from learning, increased delinquent behaviors, and teachers' increased feelings of stress.  This article is particularly relevant because it identifies the necessary teacher beliefs that catalyze the creation of effective learning communities in a learner-centered framework, summarized in the fourteen learner-centered psychological principles.  Moreover, the changeover to this viewpoint is facilitated by teacher self-assessment and reflection.  McCombs analyzed data taken from more than 20,000 students and their teachers from kindergarten through graduate school using the Assessment of Learner-Centered Practices (ALCP) student and teacher surveys, which "identify teacher beliefs and discrepancies between teacher and student perspective on practices."  The results identified four domains of classroom practice that best predicted motivation and achievement in high school students: (1) establishing positive relationships and classroom climate; (2) adapting to individual differences; (3) facilitating students' learning and thinking skills, (4) honoring student voice and providing individual choice and challenge.


The interactions with the environment and persons that comprise teaching and learning are complex and nuanced.  From an initial position of skepticism, increased exposure to the pedagogical literature has fully convinced me that it is a valuable resource in providing the language and framework to more accurately characterize, analyze, and improve what is happening in the classroom.  By becoming increasingly more aware and reflective of the ongoing process, I can more precisely guide my praxis to increase learning.

Rather than relying upon intuition, I am now more cognizant of the way that students learn and the ways that I can cater my instruction to complement that process.  While I have always been aware that (instructor) content knowledge alone does not produce good teaching and learning, I have grown increasingly sensitive to the many other factors--from culture, classroom management and infrastructure, pedagogical practices related to learning, content, and processing--that determine positive outcomes.  I would like to believe that as a result of expanding this awareness that I am now more capable of assessing and adjusting these factors, rather than being subject to the way things have always been done. 

The articles and books that have an effect upon my perspective and teacher practice continually evolves in its breadth and depth, and the degree to which one affects me also shifts with the particular needs of my classroom.  My hope in constructing this annotated bibiography is that I will continue to be open to using  new resources in informing my practice (that I will continue to play an active role in the experimental construction of a learning environment that meets the needs of all involved and is consistent with educational research).  I also hope to come back to re-examine and refresh myself with these ideas when feeling discouraged or uninspired!

I thank you for taking the time to read through this collection of resources.  Please feel free to e-mail me with thoughts or article suggestions.