Penn Grad Talks | Natural Sciences Category
3260 South Street Philadelphia, PA 19104
Join us for a day of TED Talk-style presentations by Penn Arts & Sciences graduate students representing the Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Professional Master’s programs as they compete for first place and audience choice prizes within their category.
This event is open to the Penn community and the general public. Refreshments, including vegan and vegetarian options, will be served throughout the day.
Can't make it to the event? Watch the Penn Grad Talks livestream on YouTube.
Participate by voting for the overall AUDIENCE CHOICE winner!
Voting will be open from 2-3 p.m. ET for the Natural Sciences category.
Vote Here
Featured Speakers:
Take on Water Crisis, and Nano-Filtration From a Molecular Perspective
Ranadeb Ball, Chemistry
Doing Physics with Doodles
Steven Gassner, Physics and Astronomy
Planet X: Can Gravity Solve a Mystery of the Deep Solar System?
Daniel Gomes, Physics and Astronomy
Harnessing Nature’s Machinery: How We Can Use Microbes to Make Therapeutics
Sabina Maurer, Chemistry
Pain in the Brain
Jessica Wojick, Biology
Click HERE for a full list of all of this year's Penn Grad Talks finalist speakers.